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Previous Posts
Hackers Delight – Introduction
Welcome to our comprehensive blog series on mastering packed fields and bitwise operations in RPG Free! In this series, which will be published over the next few months, we will…
Choosing the Right Language
RPG, ILE, SQL & Open-Source Programming Our grandchildren have just started secondary school and along with the expected French, Spanish and German they have been offered Mandarin. Everyone has welcomed…
Hackers Delight – Part 1
What are Packed Fields? Packed fields are an essential data structure in RPG programming, specifically designed to efficiently store numeric values. This chapter explores the definition, purpose, structure, and advantages…
Passwords – Looking Ahead
Be it auditors, the recent NIS2 Directive , or just common sense, stepping away from IBM i user profiles with never expiring passwords has always been the better choice. Since…
Mapepire Introduction
In my last couple of articles, I have shown python accessing data on the IBM i, accessing both DB2 for i and SQLite. The SQLite article used an SQLite package…
noxDB – Easily Use JSON in RPG
Introduction In November 2024 I was invited to the Benelux Common conference in the Netherlands to give a couple of workshops, and what a great event it was. Take a…
A Christmas Quiz
Tis the season to be jolly, and what better way to spread some holiday cheer than with a delightful Christmas quiz! Whether you’re snuggled up by the fire with a…
Python Environments
Introduction Whenever I conduct a workshop or training session on developing in Python, I always make it a point to cover Python environments. The first question often asked has to…
A Key to Success
With the recent announcement of IBM i regarding the subscription model. There are a lot of questions if you wish to understand the complete impact of moving away from non-expiring…
Open Ports on IBM i
In this article I will talk about another great open-source utility for our IBM i. A couple of years ago I wrote an article on a great open-source utility called…
Where Are You Listening?
Security is hard to ignore these days and for good reason. So, adding TLS to all IBM i applications is a logical step to take. For sure there are the…
Python DB2 for i Access
Introduction In my previous article, I wrote about how to access a SQLite database and output the SQL resultset in a neat table. If you need a recap, my previous…