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Informing the IBM Community

A Screen a Story – The system limit is the limit.


IBM i is evolving and so is the work around IBM i. Most shops no longer have someone who is constantIy monitoring IBM i. Monitoring has been automated, be it by using the tools available in Navigator for i, watches or tools like Nagios and any other ISV tool, which may or may not use SNMP. Monitoring QSYSOPR is important for keeping track of the health of IBM i. Not so long ago, IBM enhanced the functionality behind the System Limits table. In IBM i  7.3 Technology Refresh 6 added a DB2 for i Database Management Enhancement called “System Limits – QSYSOPR warning uses a new message – SQL7062. Below a link in which the details can be found for this enhancement:

https://www.ibm.com/support/pages/alerts-ibm-i-system-limits Below an image of the message in QSYSOPR:

In short this new functionality, will check once a day if the system limits table is reaching the alerting level specified in the table below:

If the Alerting Level is exceeded the message with the details will appear in QSYSOPR. So instead of having to check this table yourself running SQL just monitoring QSYSOPR will do. Below an example of a Navigator for i Message Monitor, which will pickup the message from QSYSOPR and turn it into an email:

So now you know that looking out for SQL7062 can be worthwhile and by automating it, it can keep you away from harm. One thing is for sure whenever you reach the limits of the system you want to be alerted beforehand.

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