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Informing the IBM Community

Halcyon adds new layer of IBM i protection


Depositphotos_31778967_xsHalcyon Software has launched Exit Point Manager, a rule-based security solution for IBM i.

Halcyon’s new security tool protects the main exit points on i-based machines and uses a range of criteria to determine system access including users, IP address, date, time and other datasets. It logs all activity and provides a complete audit trail to demonstrate compliance with corporate and regulatory security policies.

According Halcyon’s sales and marketing director Carole Chandler, the product has been developed from a user’s perspective and provides a practical solution by offering an additional layer of protection on top of native IBM i security.

Chandler says: “Exit Point Manager enables the adoption of best-practice system-wide security policies to protect the business as systems are increasingly required to interface with the outside world and accessed by users from different locations using a variety of mobile devices including laptops, tablets and smartphones. It blocks unauthorised access and protects against actions such as the copying and deletion of confidential data files.”

Exit Point Manager integrates with Halcyon Software’s monitoring and automation suites and adds to the British company’s portfolio of security solutions, including Authority Swapper, Audit Journal Manager and Password Reset Manager. It includes a range of templates that can be used to speed up deployment.

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