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Informing the IBM Community

i-UG’s November event goes Hybrid


i-UG’s final event of 2020 will be on Tuesday 10th November, known as their i-Power Midlands event and will be FREE to attend to all attendees.

Normally i-Power Midlands is an in-person event held at the Mount Hotel in Wolverhampton, but with the current Covid-19 restrictions and government advice/guidelines, i-UG have transformed it into a Hybrid format with a mix of in-person and virtual attendance. Currently 30-people can attend meetings and this will be the case here, if attendees wish to do so, but at the same time the presentations will be streamed live for those that wish to attend virtually!

Registration is already open and there are two options to choose when doing so:

Option A: – In-Person

Option B: – Virtual

You can register today using this link https://www.i-ug.co.uk/ipower-midlands-registration-page but act quickly as 70-people have done so already.

Should restrictions change , meaning the in-person aspect of the event cannot go ahead, then it will change totally to a virtual format, but lets hope that doesn’t happen.

Agenda Detail

Speakers and topics confirmed so far are:

David Spurway – The current IBM i Roadmap (including the latest news on the POWER9 G models and the up-coming POWER10 servers)

Carol Woodbury – Managing Security using SQL Services

Birgitta Hauser – Generating and Consuming IFS Files and Web-Services with embedded SQL

Andy Youens – Containers on IBM i
Further information on these and additional sessions will be announced over the next few weeks and posted on the i-UG web site


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