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Informing the IBM Community

‘i’ will emPOWER the new generation of techs


For as long as I can remember, the Holy Grail of IBM i computing has been to engage with the younger generations and to bring them into the safe and secure IBM i fold; and it has been a tough journey.

Until now! This just got a whole lot easier!

With the latest explosion of Open Source code running natively on IBM i and the groundswell of the national push in all education establishments in ‘S.T.E.M.’ (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) skills, we find ourselves at the forefront of modern IT delivery.

For the first time, we can offer world-beating and class-leading modern technologies that are both interesting and exciting to a wider and younger audience. The type of technologies that can leverage our robust, secure and reliable IBM i systems and Db2 databases – safely, controlled, protected and highly effective.

Once the domain of the Linux and WINTEL world, these often FREE technologies run on our POWER systems through our safe and trusted IBM i operating system.

i-UG is championing an unprecedented S.T.E.M. engagement aimed at Schools & youth groups, where we can offer skills, resources and opportunities to a whole new resource pool. If we succeed, we can exploit the new Open Source opportunities by leveraging this vast and enthusiastic skill pool.

So ask yourself, are you: –

Looking for new talent? It’s all around you.

Looking for that ‘Competitive Advantage’? IBM has delivered it on IBM i.

Looking for solid proof that IBM i running on POWER is right for your business?

Come along to i-UG International i-Power and see it all in action and leverage what i-UG is doing to bring the new generations into the IBM i fold.

It is both enlightening and reassuring, but don’t worry, you won’t have to wear a hoodie.


To attend i-UG’s International i-Power conference; visit thier website where full details can be found  along with the regsitration link https://www.i-ug.co.uk/international-i-power-2019

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