Press Release: Shield Advanced Solutions, leading providers of High Availability software, announces a new product JT4i. This job tracking solution for IBMi brings a fresh approach, and is a complete re-write of Shield’s long-standing product JQG4i.
“JT4i’s new code and design brings to the table a solution that is faster, more efficient, and is a solution that also offers more flexibility. Needless to say as JT4i increases in momentum, we eventually plan to phase out the popular JQG4i.” Says Director, Chris Hird.
Some of the benefits of using JT4i include:
Ability to track jobs and record all parameters
Better identify data modified by a given job
Identify and analyze the job stream that a particular job belongs to
Lists open jobs at the time of a system crash
Recovery of an individual batch job or stream
Ability to re-submit jobs with the original parameters
Regular data clean up and verification
Full support for iASP and IBM Power HA
JT4i works as a stand-alone product or alongside any High Availability solution such as HA4i.
Easy to configure and install, JT4i has been developed to help provide the information necessary to set the data and objects to a known and recoverable position. It is highly effective in identifying multi-stream batch jobs which need to be restarted for a true recovery position. In addition the output can be used for profiling the batch job stages to identify problems with multi-stream batch processes that is not normally available without considerable effort. JT4i is an effective solution to speed up recovery following a system crash for any High Availability solution.
For more than 20 years Shield Advanced Solutions (Canada) Ltd has developed highly effective software solutions for the IBMi HA market place. Based North West of Toronto, Ontario, Shield offers proven methodology, stable products with a reputation for implementing customer-lead improvements.
Available for IBMi V6R1 and above.
Product information: ???.php