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Informing the IBM Community

PowerWire Author Guidelines


This post is a guide to authors, or potential authors, writing articles for the PowerWire publication.

Every month, on the first Thursday of each month, the PowerWire newsletter is published and emailed to subscribers around the world.

This newsletter points to the new articles that have been published that month, a calendar section, and any other IBM Power news relevant to that month.

Our website holds all the articles that have been published since 2004 by many authors with varying skill sets.

Authors write these articles for the good of the community and to highlight their skill set.

Articles can be written about any topic, from programming to operations, to fully technical content.  The only stipulation we specify is that the article writers do not use our platform as an advertisement podium for promoting their company.

Please contact us if you wish to take up our advertisement offerings or look at our advertisement page which can be found at this link.

There are no rules about the length of any article, but as a guide, 800 to 1,000 words seem to catch the target audience.

Article writers should email their article to the editor@powerwire.uk when-ever they have time.

We accept articles written in Microsoft word document format, pure text documents or mark-down language.

Once you have submitted your article, no further action is required on your part. The PowerWire team will handle all subsequent processing.

IBM AS/400 - Where it all began ...
IBM AS/400 – Where it all began …

Our editorial staff will also proof-read the article to ensure that it meets the PowerWire requirements.

To avoid copyright issues with the main image associated with an article, the PowerWire team will use AI to generate an image for your article. This ensures the image is free from any copyright breaches. If you have any concerns, please contact the PowerWire editor.

The PowerWire editorial staff will decide when to publish the article and include it in the newsletter.  We will inform you when your article has been published by email.

Once your article has been published, readers can rate your post and leave you comments.  You will be notified, by email, when anyone leaves a comment.    This email will include a link to reply to, if you so desire.

It would be great if you could join us as an article writer, you will be made very welcome!

We are here to help, if you have any questions, let us know. Use our contact form to get in contact here.

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