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Informing the IBM Community

RDi 9.6 – Push to Client Feature


To continue with my current stream of Rational Developer for i articles, in this issue, I will show how to use a feature that makes administration easier, I’m all for that!

How many times over the years have we opened a PMR with IBM on RDi, or all the numerous names their development tool has been called, to be told ‘Your workspace maybe corrupt, just create a new one’.  Here we go again – create those connections, settings etc, etc.

The Push to Client RDi feature will help us with this issue.

The Push to Client feature was introduced in Rational Developer for i V9.1.1, so been around for a couple of years now, in fact since December 2014.

We can now configure our favourite server to automatically distribute;

  • Database connections
  • Preferences
  • Remote systems
  • Artefacts
  • Templates
  • Snippets
  • Code Coverage

There are two features that the Push to Client gives us;

  • Backup & Recovery
  • Automatically Distribute Configuration

Let me run though each of these.

Backup & Recovery

Our RDi, with its current setup, can export to a backup media, just in case!

As you will know from my previous PowerWire articles, I do love a picture, so at this time of giving, here you go!

Follow the steps below to export the workspace settings.


Now we have a backup of our RDi configuration – save it in a safe location. Unfortunately, there will be no indication your workspaces are getting corrupt until it’s too late.

Top Tip – Save your configuration to a IFS share to get it included within your nightly backup schedule.


Using Our Backup

So, if we get the dreaded ‘Just create a new workspace’ response, we are better prepared.

We can just Import the configuration we saved previously.

Even my choice of font (a great font for developers, in my opinion), has been restored, nice one IBM!

Distribute Configuration

This option provides a means to ensure that all developers automatically receive RDi configurations when they connect to a remote server.

This preference is called ‘push to client’.

By using this facility, it is possible to save workspace configurations in a central repository and push them to developers.  This will ensure all developers have a consistent workspace environment, as well as having a backup procedure should workspaces get corrupt.

At great time-saving feature!

Next graphic coming up!

In the first step, we need a RDi configuration that has all the settings and features we need all our developers to use.  Use the most recent version with the complete settings you wish to import to the developers.

This time when we select File à Export, we take the option to Configure Files for Automatic Distribution.

Choose the remote host to export the configuration to.

Then, when anyone makes a connection to the specified remote server, they will collect the configuration that was exported.

To ensure all our developers use the current RDi configuration, we can Force RDi to receive the current configuration.  This can be seen in the graphic below.


Picking Up a Distribution

For us, or any other developer, to pick up a distribution, we create a connection to the distribution server, then right click on it and select Connect.

Once connected, our workspace will be populated with all the components that have been saved from our master.

Ah, updates found, let’s go for it.

A quick restart of the workspace, and we are there!

All my connections, library/object filters, IFS filters and configuration have been restored and ready for use.

So, that’s how easy IBM has made the RDi ‘Push to Client’ function.  Save yourself time and use this method to protect your workspace settings.  It will be beneficial.



With this feature, IBM has provided us with a great management feature to administer and ensure all staff can use this development tool, that provides a consistent development environment.

On to the next  UK IBM i user group meeting, which is on Thursday 22nd February,  at The Mercure Norton Grange Hotel in Rochdale; full details can be found on the iUG site here.  Hope to see you all there!

Andy Youens is an IBM i consultant/instructor at Milton Keynes, UK-based FormaServe Systems.


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